Wrap your NIF with Zig

Posted on Aug 9, 2023

If you’ve heard about Zig, you’ve probably heard about comptime, its mechanism for doing introspection, metaprogramming, and more. I’m probably in my honeymoon phase with comptime and I like to throw it at almost everything. The great thing about it is that you write some code and think “This makes sense, will it Just Work™?” and it actually does.

Today I’m going to show you an example of how it can be used to abstract away some common code that appears at the beginning of all Elixir1 NIFs, allowing the resulting code to be more clear in its intentions by removing some mechanical noise.

Note that you usually don’t have to implement this manually if you want to write a NIF using Zig, since Zigler takes care of this for you. This is mainly meant as an example that shows some comptime cool features.

NIF Interface

As a quick reminder, in the Elixir world NIFs are functions that are implemented in C (or in any language with an FFI to C, e.g. Zig or Rust). From the caller perspective, they appear like normal Elixir functions. NIFs have their pros and cons (the biggest con being that they can bring down the whole Erlang VM if they crash) but we won’t go too much into the details about those here.

The important thing for this example is the interface a NIF must adhere to, which in C is

ERL_NIF_TERM (*fptr)(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[])

or, using Zig2

*const fn (env: beam.Env, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]const beam.Term) callconv(.C) beam.Term

A couple of definitions can make the signature clearer:

  • A term represents a value in the Erlang VM. It is an opaque type and the values can be extracted from a term using functions in the erl_nif API. Conversely, “native” values have to be converted to a term before being returned from the NIF.
  • An environment is a structure that hosts Erlang terms. Terms cannot be destructed individually, their lifetime is bound to the one of their environment.

From these definitions we can see our NIF accepts an environment as first parameter, then an argument count and then a pointer to an array of argument terms, and it returns a term. All the terms are hosted in the environment that is passed as first parameter, including the returned term.

The Issue

Let’s show an example to highlight what the problem is. We will start implementing 2 different NIFs: add_two_ints, multiply_three_doubles.

We will assume to have some helpers to convert terms to and from Zig values3. Note that these helpers already help us reduce some of the noise thanks to the fact that Zig allows returning errors from functions.

Here’s the implementation of our NIFs:

pub fn add_two_ints(env: beam.Env, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]const beam.Term) callconv(.C) beam.Term {
    assert(argc == 2);

    // Convert to a slice to leverage Zig out of bound checks
    const argv_slice = @as([*]const beam.Term, @ptrCast(argv))[0..@intCast(argc)];

    const a = beam.get_u32(env, argv_slice[0]) catch {
        return beam.raise_badarg(env);

    const b = beam.get_u32(env, argv_slice[1]) catch {
        return beam.raise_badarg(env);

    const result = a + b;

    return beam.make_u32(env, result);

pub fn multiply_three_doubles(env: beam.Env, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]const beam.Term) callconv(.C) beam.Term {
    assert(argc == 3);

    const argv_slice = @as([*]const beam.Term, @ptrCast(argv))[0..@intCast(argc)];

    const a = beam.get_f64(env, argv_slice[0]) catch {
        return beam.raise_badarg(env);

    const b = beam.get_f64(env, argv_slice[1]) catch {
        return beam.raise_badarg(env);

    const c = beam.get_f64(env, argv_slice[2]) catch {
        return beam.raise_badarg(env);

    const result = a * b * c;

    return beam.make_f64(env, result);

As you can see, there’s a lot of mechanical noise in the way. Moreover, you can’t easily tell the type and number of parameters by looking at the function signature, you have to parse its implementation to extract this information.

Wouldn’t it be nice to expose the actual signature of the function and magically get a NIF wrapper for it?

comptime to the Rescue

First, we’re going to tackle the input arguments, since they’re the ones causing most of the noise. Our new functions will just be:

pub const add_two_ints = make_nif_wrapper(add_two_ints_impl);

fn add_two_ints_impl(env: beam.Env, a: u32, b: u32) beam.Term {
    const result = a + b;

    return beam.make_u32(env, result);

pub const multiply_three_doubles = make_nif_wrapper(multiply_three_doubles_impl);

fn multiply_three_doubles_impl(env: beam.Env, a: f64, b: f64, c: f64) beam.Term {
    const result = a * b * c;

    return beam.make_f64(env, result);

That’s already much better! Of course the interesting part is the implementation of make_nif_wrapper. Since there’s a lot to unpack there, let’s go through it bit by bit.

const Nif = *const fn (beam.Env, argc: c_int, argv: [*c]const beam.Term) callconv(.C) beam.Term;

In the beginning, we just define a handy Nif type that that is a shorthand for the NIF interface we talked about earlier.

fn make_nif_wrapper(comptime fun: anytype) Nif {
    const Function = @TypeOf(fun);

    const function_info = switch (@typeInfo(Function)) {
        .Fn => |f| f,
        else => @compileError("Only functions can be wrapped"),

    const params = function_info.params;
    if (params[0].type != beam.Env) {
        @compileError("The type of the first parameter of a NIF must be `beam.Env`");
    // Env is not counted in argc, so subtract one
    const expected_argc = params.len - 1;

The make_nif_wrapper function takes a comptime parameter of type anytype. This is because the different functions we’re going to pass to make_nif_wrapper will have different types. Inside the function, we assign the actual type of the function to the Function constant, we verify that it’s actually a function, and, if it is, we extract its type info.

From the info, we extract the parameter info, which is useful to ensure that the first parameter has the beam.Env type (that’s a requirement of our current interface since the function must have an environment to make its return value) and we save the expected argc.

    return struct {
        pub fn wrapper(
            env: beam.Env,
            argc: c_int,
            argv: [*c]const beam.Term,
        ) callconv(.C) beam.Term {
            if (argc != expected_argc) @panic("NIF called with the wrong number of arguments");

            const argv_slice = @as([*]const beam.Term, @ptrCast(argv))[0..@intCast(argc)];
            var args: std.meta.ArgsTuple(Function) = undefined;
            inline for (&args, 0..) |*arg, arg_idx| {
                if (arg_idx == 0) {
                    arg.* = env;

                // Adjust for the abscence of env in argv
                const argv_idx = arg_idx - 1;
                const ArgType = @TypeOf(arg.*);
                arg.* = get_arg_from_term(ArgType, env, argv_slice[argv_idx]) catch
                    return beam.raise_badarg(env);

            return @call(.auto, fun, args);

After we have all this information, we can create our NIF wrapper. We start by creating an anonymous struct, which contains a wrapper function definition. If you skip at the and, you can see we then return just the function with .wrapper. This is the usual pattern to create a pointer to an “anonymous” function in Zig.

The wrapper function implements our NIF interface, and it starts by checking that argc actually matches expected_argc. Since this should be ensured by the Erlang VM, we @panic if it does not.

After creating the argv_slice as before, we have to deal with calling our impl function. To do that, we use the @call builtin, which allows calling a function given its address and a tuple containing its arguments. The std.meta.ArgsTuple conveniently returns the tuple type of the correct size and types to contain the arguments of a given function type, so we just have to iterate through all the elements of the tuple with inline for and assigning all the arguments after extracting them from their beam.Term.

The only piece missing is the implementation of get_arg_from_term. This basically just switches on the type of the argument and calls the appropriate beam.get function. The implementation also includes a useful compilation error on missing types so the compiler can guide us if we add a new NIF with an unsupported argument type.

fn get_arg_from_term(comptime T: type, env: beam.Env, term: beam.Term) !T {
    return switch (T) {
        u32 => try beam.get_u32(env, term),
        f64 => try beam.get_f64(env, term),
        else => @compileError("Type " ++ @typeName(T) ++ " is not handled by get_arg_from_term"),

Being Dynamic

This works well with functions that map to static types, but the Elixir is dynamically typed, so we might want to support that in our NIF. Say, for example, we want to implement a term_burrito NIF that takes an arbitrary term and wraps it in a list.

pub const term_burrito = make_nif_wrapper(term_burrito_impl);

fn term_burrito_impl(env: beam.Env, term: beam.Term) beam.Term {
    return e.enif_make_list1(env, term);

In this case we still unwrap the argv into single args, but our input is a beam.Term. The change to support that is literally one line.

  fn get_arg_from_term(comptime T: type, env: beam.Env, term: beam.Term) !T {
     return switch (T) {
+        beam.Term => term,
         u32 => try beam.get_u32(env, term),
         f64 => try beam.get_f64(env, term),
         else => @compileError("Type " ++ @typeName(T) ++ " is not handled by get_arg_from_term"),

If we encounter a beam.Term in get_arg_from_term, we simply return it as-is.

comptime Returns

As the last step in this example, let’s also try to include in our NIF wrapper the conversion of the return value back to a beam.Term.

term_burrito_impl remains the same since it’s accepting and returning a beam.Term, while the first two impls become just

fn add_two_ints_impl(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
    return a + b;

fn multiply_three_doubles_impl(a: f64, b: f64, c: f64) f64 {
    return a * b * c;

Note that we don’t need the env anymore since we’re not using it inside the function, but we do still need it for term_burrito, so we have to handle both cases. Let’s see how the implementation of make_nif_wrapper changes.

-    if (function_info.params[0].type != beam.Env) {
-        @compileError("The type of the first parameter of a NIF must be `beam.Env`");
-    }
+    const with_env = function_info.params[0].type == beam.Env;
+    const env_offset = if (with_env) 1 else 0;
-    const expected_argc = params.len - 1;
+    const expected_argc = params.len - env_offset;

First, we determine if our function accepts env as first parameter (removing the previous check), and based on that we also set the offset between args and argv to 0 or 1. Once we have the offset, we can calculate expected_argc.

-                if (arg_idx == 0) {
+                if (with_env and arg_idx == 0) {
                     arg.* = env;

-                const argv_idx = arg_idx - 1;
+                const argv_idx = arg_idx - env_offset;
                 const ArgType = @TypeOf(arg.*);
                 arg.* = get_arg_from_term(ArgType, env, argv_slice[argv_idx]) catch
                     return beam.raise_badarg(env);

We use again the information about the presence of env and the offset in the loop that populates the args.

-            return @call(.auto, fun, args);
+            const result = @call(.auto, fun, args);
+            return make_result_term(env, result);

Finally, we call make_result_term on the result before returning it.

fn make_result_term(env: beam.Env, result: anytype) beam.Term {
    return switch (@TypeOf(result)) {
        beam.Term => result,
        u32 => beam.make_u32(env, result),
        f64 => beam.make_f64(env, result),
        else => |T| @compileError("Type " ++ @typeName(T) ++ " is not handled by make_result_term"),

Note that we don’t have to pass the type explicitly here, since we can extract it from the type of the result, while in get_args_from_term we couldn’t because the input was always a beam.Term. If we had needed the return type from the function type info, we could have used function_info.return_type.


This concludes our comptime journey. You can find the working code (with a separate commit for each section) on GitHub.

While this is a minimal example, and you probably end up writing more code than in the beginning, this is amortized once you have many different NIFs, and in fact this exact technique helped me reduce mechanical noise by a lot in my Elixir TigerBeetle client (I will explore that a little more in a future blog post).

Finally, if you’re interested in a more complete example of this technique used to handle any possible type conversion between Zig and BEAM types, make sure to checkout Zigler (start here for the argument parsing, here for term to type conversion and here for the inverse).

  1. NIFs can also be used in Erlang and all other languages based on the BEAM. Since for my example I’m using Elixir, I will just say “Elixir” throughout the post. ↩︎

  2. I’m going to be using these type definitions throughout the post, assuming they’re in the beam.zig module that gets imported in our code:

    pub const e = @cImport(@cInclude("erl_nif.h"));
    pub const Env = ?*e.ErlNifEnv;
    pub const Term = e.ERL_NIF_TERM;

    These are not strictly needed but they help keep the code more compact. Note that Env is actually defined to be an (optional) pointer to ErlNifEnv, since it’s always used as opaque and passed around as a pointer. ↩︎

  3. Here’s their implementation (again in beam.zig):

    pub fn get_u32(env: Env, term: Term) !u32 {
        var result: c_uint = undefined;
        if (e.enif_get_uint(env, term, &result) == 0) {
            return error.ArgumentError;
        return @intCast(result);
    pub fn get_f64(env: Env, term: Term) !f64 {
        var result: f64 = undefined;
        if (e.enif_get_double(env, term, &result) == 0) {
            return error.ArgumentError;
        return result;
    pub fn make_u32(env: Env, value: u32) Term {
        return e.enif_make_uint(env, @intCast(value));
    pub fn make_f64(env: Env, value: f64) Term {
        return e.enif_make_double(env, value);
    pub fn raise_badarg(env: Env) Term {
        return e.enif_make_badarg(env);

    Note that the getters can return error.ArgumentError since Elixir is dynamically typed and the caller could always call the NIF with an argument of the wrong type. raise_badarg is there exactly to signal this in the standard BEAM way. ↩︎